What does Amnanda mean? 

The word ‘amnanda’ comes from Sanskrit and means ‘path of bliss’. You can understand this as follows: – The treatment itself is a pleasant experience, and over the course of the year it has an effect on the stresses you’ve accumulated in your life up till now. All the stress that has built up in your cellular structure will be released, and that has a positive effect on health and well-being. You will feel  calmer and more joyful. This effect deepens over time and your reaction to new situations of stress are much more positive.

Is age an issue? 

This treatment is designed for fully grown adults, which means you should be at least 22 years old before you start. There is no upper age limit. This treatment is beneficial regardless of age.

What are the oils made up of? 

The formulas are comprised of European herbs, olive oil and ghee (clarified butter) from certified organic sources, along with a specially formulated sports gel. The formulas for all of these infused oils come from Baba Ramdas Swami. They are ayurvedic in nature, but the herbs themselves are sourced in Europe.

Can I have treatment if I’m pregnant? 

Yes, pregnancy is not a problem. In fact, both mother and child will find this treatment relaxing and beneficial. During pregnancy and breastfeeding you will not drink Woman Vital tea, just green tea.

Do I need to repeat the cure to maintain the effects? 

No. This treatment is only done once in your lifetime. The effects are sustained and become even deeper over time.

Must I drink the teas? 

We strongly recommend drinking the teas because they have been grown specially for medicinal use, and they assist the process of Amnanda. But it isn’t compulsory. The Man/Woman Vital tea can actually be taken as a tincture if you prefer. We don’t have a tincture for green tea, though. The teas have a very benefical effect. The green tea strengthens the immune system and the Man/Woman Vital tea activates endorphins and dopamine (feel good hormones).

Do I need to change my diet during the treatment? 

A change of diet is not a prerequisite for amnanda. However, a healthy diet is good for all bodily functions and can therefore benefit you throughout the course of treatment.